Want to see how Maptiks can help you and your teams? Fill out the form to get a demo of the features that matter most to your company.

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    Book a time with us to setup a trial & discuss:

  • Key web map metrics
  • How to integrate with your web map platform
  • How web map analytics can help your team
  • How to see a web map user journey

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Drop us an email if you couldn’t find an answer to your question in the following list.

    What do you currently integrate with?

    We integrate with Esri’s web mapping platform. This includes ArcGIS Online, StoryMaps, Web App Builder maps and Esri Leaflet or Esri Javascipt API. Moroever, we proudly support Google Maps API, LeafletJS, OpenLayers and MangoMap.

    We also integrate with MapboxGL.

    How do you intergrate with a map?

    Similar to google analytics, Maptiks provides you a site code. This code is inserted in the mapping library, and then you’re set. We’re also tightly integrated with Esri. For ArcGIS we provide templates, StoryMaps can be setup in minutes and Web App Builder is just as easy.

    Do you integrate with Google Analytics?

    No. Unfortunately it isn’t possible at this moment to integrate with Google Analytics. We are working on tag management and analytics.js integrations that will provide better insights in Google Analytics.

    In terms of user activities, what do you track?

    Maptiks tracks bounce rates, time spent on map, clicks zooms and pans.

    We also track active live users on your map, displaying their activity levels, geoIP information and more.

    Do you track map performance?

    Yes we provide map performance analytics including load times, error logs.

    Maptiks also displays data around web map layers including their load times and usage.

    Does maptiks slow down my map?

    No. Maptiks subscribes to events that are already broadcasted by the mapping library without having to make extra queries.

    Does Maptiks provide a trial?

    Yes. We want to see the full impact that Maptiks provides can have for your business, but for most people, that’d be hard to accomplish all on your own… and we aren’t the type to sign you up and dump you.

    That’s why we provide a guided trial of our software. This service includes the dedicated help of our client success team who will help get your first few web map applications tracked.

    Are we too small to use Maptiks?

    No way! We love working with startups, municipalities and small companies. Our pricing is flexible enough to fit companies of any size.

    What we’ve learned from our customers is the right “size” for analytics solutions is more about data sources than users. If you depend on 3+ data sources, Maptiks is a great fit— even if your team only comprises a handful of people.

    Can you connect to all my maps?

    Yes, we mostly likely can. We support all modern web mapping platforms including Esri’s full stack of mapping tools. Building off of open source? We support those too.