We are proud to announce our integration with Mapbox. Our team has been working diligently over the past few months to get our web map analytics

Maptiks and Mapbox Integration

Over the last few years we’ve heard from many organizations using Mapbox that they are facing a growing need to understand how their geospatial efforts are working in the real world. That is why we are proud to announce that starting today, we’ve made public our web map analytics integration with Mapbox. 

Currently, Maptiks integrates directly with the Mapbox GL JS library and enables admins to anonymously log visitor interactions (such as clicks, zooms, and pans) as well as general usage data (such as sessions, map loads and bounce rates) on a web map built on Mapbox GL JS. 

With this update, we hope to continue being at the forefront of web map analytics. Mapbox users will get accurate insights into their visitors interactions, as well as near real-time tracking that enable powerful analytics at scale, easy setup, and quick access to map KPIs. 

Today’s announcement means our teams will be working closely together, with an intent to enable a deeper integration with Mapbox in the future and make web map analytics available to more people. 


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